Blog/Rebates Pages

Korth Group Outdoor Education, MOA VS MRAD

Korth Group Outdoor Education, MOA VS MRAD

When it comes to precision rifle shooting, understanding the differences between MOA (Minute of Angle) and MRAD (Milliradian), also referred to as MILs, is a critical element in deciding on what “language” you are going to speak as a shooter. These two measurement systems serve as the foundation for… Read More

Korth Group Outdoor Education, Stealth Tips When Stalking Game.

Korth Group Outdoor Education, Stealth Tips When Stalking Game.

One often-overlooked aspect of stalking wild game is that you’re hunting these animals in their own habitat. They are extremely familiar with their surroundings, from the scents carried by the wind to the sounds of the landscape and the visual cues around them. Hunting, in many ways, can be… Read More

Korth Group Outdoor Education, Introduction to Shotgun Choke Tubes

Korth Group Outdoor Education, Introduction to Shotgun Choke Tubes

Whether you are hiking in the prairies in search of a flushing pheasant, sitting in a duck blind waiting for flock of mallards to come in, or looking down your barrel at an evading blaze orange clay pigeon, shotgun shooting presents many different shooting situations. With each of these disciplines,… Read More